WordPress Manager CyberPanel

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WordPress Manager CyberPanel

Cyberpanel provides an easy way to manage WordPress sites. You can manage several settings directly from the cyberpanel with WordPress manager

Step 1: Select WordPress

All the wordpress sites will be listed under LIST WordPress Page.

Go to WordPress -> List WordPress-> Select website to manage.

This page will allow you to 

  • Access Manage wordpress dashboard
  • Login to the WordPress Admin with one click
  • Visit site Directly
  • Delete site 

Step 2: WordPress manager

You can enter into the wordpress manager dashboard by click on the site title.

Click on the Site and you will see the dashboard like below.

  • General TAB
    You will see the listing with different features.
    This tab will normally show the
    1. OPEN (Directly access the site)
    2. File Manager (Directly access website root files)
    3. Login. (Auto login to wp-admin dashboard)
    4. Git Manager (Access Git Manager directly)
    5. Debugging. (Allows debugging to find errors)
    6. Search Engine Indexing.
    7. Maintenance Mode
    8. Disable wp Crons
  • Plugins:
    WordPress Manager allows you to manage the WP plugins directly from the cyberpanel. You need not access Wp-login for that.
    Additionally, you can manage
    1. Plugin Update
    2. Delete Plugin
  • Themes
    Same like plugins you can also manage themes.
  • Staging
    Here you can create a wordpress staging site.
  • Backups
    Create WordPress level backup using our CyberPanel WP manager.
  • Database
    You can see here database information of your site.

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