5 – SpamAssassin Configurations

Install SpamAssassin at: https://<IP Address>:8090/emailPremium/SpamAssassin Once installed, you can configure SpamAssassin settings, more details on our blog post.

1 – DKIM Set up and Configurations

DKIM Signing Starting version 1.6.4 you can now check whether you want to setup DKIM DNS records for your domains. If OpenDKIM is not installed, it will prompt you to install OpenDKIM, which you can do so via pointing your browser to: https://<IP Address>:8090/email/dkimManager If OpenDKIM is not installed, it will ask you to install OpenDKIM on […]

2 – SSL For PostFix/Dovecot

On a default installation of CyberPanel, Postfix and Dovecot use self-signed SSL. You can now use Let’s Encrypt with your mail server. Navigate to: https://<IP Address>:8090/manageSSL/sslForMailServer You will see a list of websites/domain here (which you have created via CyberPanel already). Make sure to choose the domain which has RDNS record against your IP Address. […]