How to Deploy a Laravel project on Cyberpanel.
Setup Laravel App on your domain
To install the Laravel application first you need to install PHP composer.
Go to the terminal and run the following command.
Open the website directory from the CLI
cd /home/
Replace with your actual domain for which you want to set up a laravel app.
Then run following command to install composer
composer create-project laravel/laravel laravel-app
(laravel-app) This could be any name which you want to use .
After installing the composer make a symbolic link that directs laravel-app/public_html.
First remove the public_html directory under the domain
Use following command
rm -fr public_html
Now create symbolic link to access laravel-app
Use following command
ln -s laravel-app/public public_html
The command ” ln -s laravel-app/public public_html “ creates a symbolic link named public_html, which points to the directory laravel-app/public. This command is commonly used in Linux-based systems to create a symbolic link (shortcut) from one directory to another.
Now go to the /home/domain/ and remove the public
If Laravel application is encountering permission issues while trying to write logs or cache files
Use the following command to fix the permission.
Go to /home/
cd /home/
sudo chmod -R ugo+rw storage
If these files doesn’t exist under the directory then you have to create them manually.
Use following commands to create log files
touch /home/
then run the command to fix permission
sudo chmod -R ugo+rw storage
Now you will be able to access the Laravel app.