Reseller Management

Cyberpanel offers three types of accounts for the management services. In this phase, we will learn about the reseller account. If you would like to acquire fundamental knowledge about users in CyberPanel, please refer to the ‘Managing Users‘ guide. While the functioning of resellers is already explained in that section, we will provide a dedicated […]
User Management | How Many Types of Users are in CyberPanel

There are three types of users in CyberPanel Step 1. When you log in to CyberPanel. You can see the User on the dashboard Step 2. When you click on the User option you can see the many options for the user Step 3. When you click on View Profile You can see the full […]
ACL management

ACL refers to the Access Control List. CyberPanel allows you to provide a way to create accounts with different levels of access that you can give.For example, if a user is created with admin ACL, then that is a super user and has access to all the features in CyberPanel. Create ACL account: Cyberpanel allows […]