URL Blacklist: What It Is and How to Manage It Effectively

URL Blacklist

The Internet is an amazing place, it brings together people across continents. You can literally order anything within a few seconds, watch tons of content all the time. However, it can be a pretty scary place as well due to data breaches and security risks.  All this is inevitable since the internet is now hugely […]

Web Server vs Application Server: Key Differences Explained

web server vs application server

Web server vs application server has been a common debate in IT teams for years. However, most of the time these terms are used interchangeably, which is not really right. Many enterprise teams use both, and understanding the use cases will help them get the most out of it.  This guide talks about the difference […]

Top 11 Must-Have Patch Management Software For 2025

Patch Management

Patch management is a crucial element of any MSP, but it can be challenging to monitor vendor patches manually. Most patch releases and software updates are spread across various devices for a broad client portfolio. This is why patch deployment is essential; one such software should always be in your toolkit.  What is a Patch […]

Understanding the WordPress Template Hierarchy: A Complete Guide

WordPress Template Hierarchy

WordPress is easier to navigate than it may seem; you can quickly grasp the basics. However, one of the main parts of WordPress is its templates and theme hierarchy. In this guide, we shall walk through the WordPress template hierarchy and its role in shaping your website.  What is the WordPress Template Hierarchy? WordPress is […]

Migrating CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux: A Step-by-Step Guide

Migrating CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux

June 20th, 2024, marked the end of life for CentOS 7, meaning it will no longer receive bug fixes, critical security updates, or new features. This is why it is crucial to migrate to another supported operating system. If you are still on CentOS 7, here is your sign. AlmaLinux is an excellent alternative to […]

Disable Ubuntu Firewall: How, When, & Why

Disable Ubuntu Firewall

Firewalls are an important part of network security, it helps to regulate incoming and outgoing traffic to protect the system from unauthorized access and threats. Managing firewalls is a crucial part of keeping your Ubuntu system up and running, but sometimes, you need to disable it for certain reasons. Understanding Firewalls in Ubuntu Ubuntu greatly […]

Docker Hub: Introduction, Examples, And Best Practices For 2025

Docker Hub

Docker is an open-source tool for creating manageable, lightweight, and portable containers. These containers package your application with all the dependencies, configuration settings, and files into one container to run uniformly across different development environments. Containerization ensures that a standard practice is followed wherever it is deployed. It helps avoid the issue of “it works […]

Clear DNS Cache: An Ultimate Guide for Windows, macOS, & Linux

Clear DNS Cache

DNS cache is essential to speed up internet access and improve the browsing experience by storing the recent domain name. All computer operating systems use cache to store DNS lookup results. This helps accelerate network performance; however, in some instances, this could cause an issue.  The DNS cache can get in the way of creating […]

Decoding Docker Logs: A Beginner Guide To Success

Docker Logs

Docker is an open-source platform that streamlines applications’ creation, deployment, and running using portable containers. It packages lightweight containers with all dependencies so that the software works uniformly across different environments. Docker logs, the show’s star today, play a crucial role in monitoring and troubleshooting the said containers. So, they are essential for anyone using […]