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Securing ERP Systems: Best Practices To Defend Against Cyber Threats

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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have been an important part of enhancing business operations and workflow since the late 1900s. ERP technology works by integrating department workflow across businesses, such as human resources, finance, marketing, and so on. Most departments can work with and benefit from a strong ERP system, which can save employees a lot of time and subsequently boost productivity. This makes them valuable to all types of businesses.

It doesn’t stop there though – ERP can help you to run your business as it produces insightful data relating to specific processes, which can assist you in making informed decisions regarding the future of your business. For instance, it can show you which products in your supply chain are most profitable, as well as which aren’t. This could mean that you put more of a focus on the most popular items, which in turn, could increase sales even further. 

ERP isn’t without its shortfalls though, and cybersecurity in particular can be an issue. These systems are vulnerable to cyberattacks as they often hold valuable data, from sensitive financial information to secret passwords. 

In this article you’ll find the best ways to look after your ERP system and protect it from cyber threats. You can use these within your business to ensure that you’re less likely to suffer from a cyberattack. Prevention is always better than cure in situations like this, as a cyberattack could put your reputation, operations and finances at real risk.

Why are ERP systems at risk?

Each business’s ERP software holds a wealth of valuable data. This is something that greatly appeals to cybercriminals, making ERP software a prime target for attacks. Not only this, but some systems can have weak spots which make them even more attractive to hackers. This could be due to a variety of different reasons, from old software systems to poor access controls. With this in mind, it’s absolutely vital that ERP systems are protected as much as possible, to avoid the potential fallout if a problem were to occur. 

How and why the cybersecurity threat to ERP is growing

With the soaring popularity of ERP systems in the past few decades, a lot of companies now place their reliance on this software for their daily business operations to run smoothly. As the reliance grows, so does the threat and potential aftermath, whether it’s a small business or a large-scale organization. 

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Cyber threats specific to ERP systems include phishing attacks, ransomware, insider threats, and supply chain attacks. These threats in particular can lead to negative, costly consequences. Common weak spots in ERP systems include software that’s not up to date and modern, badly managed user privileges, and misconfigurations. 

Consider this: a ransomware attack on your ERP system is successful. This could result in business operations stopping, meaning that hours of work time are lost and customer trust in you decreases. Not a desirable scenario for you or your team.

Ways to protect your ERP system

To secure your business’s ERP systems, consider the following points:


All data that is in your ERP system must be protected to keep it safe from people who shouldn’t have access. With this in mind, encrypting data is necessary whether the information is “resting” or “in transit” (being sent from one location to another). Having multi-factor authentication in place (MFA) and strong, unique passwords is also highly recommended to reduce risks.


Maintaining data accuracy and completeness is essential to preserving ERP system integrity. You can implement data integrity checks through various means, such as hashing. With this, organizations can make sure that information doesn’t change when it’s being processed. Plus, performing regular audits and applying data validation procedures helps to reinforce the reliability and trustworthiness of the system’s data.


The whole point of ERP systems is that it aids interdepartmental work. This means that different people will need to access certain parts of the platform, but with the right protection measures in place, this shouldn’t be a problem. Having a disaster recovery plan in place means that you can troubleshoot a problem quickly should it arise. For instance, regular backing up of data is just one way this can help to ensure everything runs smoothly, even when you’re faced with cyberattacks.

Best practices to follow for secure ERP systems

There are plenty of ways that you can look after your ERP systems, so try not to fret. Many of them you may already have in place or they could be integrated within the technology you use, but these are the main practices for you to think about:

  • Patch Management and Software Updates

One way to keep your ERP systems safe and secure is through regular software patching and updates. Keeping everything up-to-date and flowing the way it should means that it’s less likely to suffer from vulnerabilities in the system. This can usually be automated so that updates occur as and when they need to. 

  • User Access Control and Authentication

As mentioned previously, having the right access controls and authentication steps in place can add a needed layer of protection to your systems. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) means you can manage who accesses what internally. If you only allow the right people to access certain files or areas of the ERP software, then everything can be more streamlined. These should be reviewed on a semi-regular basis to ensure that everything is still correct and that there aren’t, for example, ex-employees that can access private files. 

  • Network Security 

Having in place network security, such as firewalls and network segmentation, means that your ERP will be better-protected. If you isolate your ERP system from networks outside of the business, then attacks and breaches are less likely to occur. VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) and technology that detects any intrusion in your systems can also be greatly beneficial to have in place.

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  • Encryption and Secure Communication

Ensuring the data within your ERP software is encrypted means that it should be protected from unauthorized sources. Using SSL or TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security) can ensure that communications related to your business are confidential. There are also encryption measures that you can take, from only using secure reputable software to applying encryption tools.

  • Ongoing Security Audits and Vulnerability Checks

You should always stay on top of the current state of your ERP systems. You can do this through regular security audits and vulnerability scans that can highlight if there are any issues that need your attention. Scheduling these tests so they’re performed on an ongoing basis. If they’re automated, you’re less likely to miss any potential threats before they become a real problem.

  • Employees: Training, Awareness and Experts

It’s important that the people that use the ERP systems know the risks involved with cybersecurity. They must take the measures it takes to keep sensitive data secure, while avoiding the likelihood of vulnerabilities. Even the simplest things, like storing company passwords somewhere they shouldn’t be kept could have a catastrophic impact if found by a cybercriminal. Therefore, you should have the right training in place so that your employees have an awareness of how to act to avoid certain possibilities. Annual training and testing should be made a priority. 

If it’s viable for your business, hiring an in-house cybersecurity expert could help to keep your cyber protection up to scratch, whilst also helping to raise awareness for other employees. Or, if this isn’t something that you can consider full-time, you could look into a third party cybersecurity business that can offer you support, guidance and help to look after your systems.

Being Reactive to Incidents

If an attack does slip through, you want to react as quickly as possible to handle the issue before it gets worse. You want to have an Incident Response Plan (IRP) in place, so that if something does happen, it’s quickly detected and controlled. Then it can be eradicated and the recovery can go forward. If you have this prepared in relation to your ERP system in particular, then you should be able to address and solve any problems efficiently. 

You should also have steps in mind for reacting to a disaster if valuable data is stolen – consider who this impacts, how, and in what way it can be rectified going forward. Who needs to be informed of the issue and how can impacted individuals be compensated? These questions are all situational but they are things you’d need to think about in preparation of disasters striking. The main aim is to control any of the damage caused and to get things back on track.

New Security Trends Relating to ERP Systems

Technology is constantly changing, and with this, there are new threats that you need to be aware of. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are increasingly being used to aid the security of ERP security. AI can notice and inform you of any irregularities in the system that could be a threat. Behavior analysis is also something it takes into consideration. This can help you to be proactive in disabling cyberattacks before they happen. 

Future Considerations for ERP Security

As time goes on, cybercriminals are only getting more advanced and frequent. Thus, your security measures should develop accordingly – never become complacent, as new techniques are always being created, so your systems should be regularly updated and you should always stay up-to-date with the latest cybersecurity news. Staying informed about cybersecurity trends and best practices will make all the difference if you do come under attack. Always keep your defenses high and have a plan in place for if disaster strikes. 

To finish off…

Securing ERP systems is essential to protect your business processes from the continuously evolving cybersecurity threats businesses face. By taking on board and implementing the best current practices, organizations can enhance their cybersecurity and keep their valuable data safe.

As cyber threats grow increasingly sophisticated, organizations must prioritize cybersecurity for ERP systems. The right security in place will help to protect your systems against potential vulnerabilities, allowing you to operate confidently online.

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