When you connect to Docker container that’s running you get to check what’s going on inside. If the container isn’t working right, you can attach it to it or open a shell to run commands like ps or top. You can also go into the container, install new packages, and create a new Docker image from it.
You’ve got a bunch of options to connect to a running Docker container: you can use the docker attach command, go with docker exec.!
This guide will walk you through how to connect to Docker container using quick easy methods. Let’s check them out.
4 Simple Methods That Connect to Docker Container Easily!
Method 1: Attaching to a Running Docker Container ( Using Docker Attach Command)
You can attach to a running Docker container using the docker attach command. This command connects the container’s input, output, and error streams to your terminal.
Now To create a container that allows you to attach to its shell, use the -dit option (detached and interactive). For instance, to create a container named attach-test with the Ubuntu image, run this command:
docker run --name attach-test -dit ubuntu
Keep in mind that the docker attach command may not always give you a shell, especially if the container is running a web server, as it might connect you to the server’s output instead.
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To attach to a running container, use:
docker attach [container-name]
For example, to connect to the attach-test container, you would run:
docker attach attach-test
To start a shell prompt in the container, type Exit when you’re done to stop the container and exit. If you want to keep the container running, press Ctrl + P followed by Ctrl + Q.
When you use the attach command and then press Ctrl + P and Ctrl + Q, the Docker CLI will detach from the container while it continues to run in the background. You can check the container’s status with docker ps to confirm it is still active.
Method 2: Using Docker Exec Command
Docker exec runs a command that you choose inside a container that is already running. If you give the path to a shell instead of a command, it allows you to access the container’s shell. The command you run with docker exec will only work while the main process of the container is active, and it won’t restart if the container itself restarts.
The command operates in the container’s default working directory.
The command must be something that can be executed. You cannot use chained or quoted commands.
This works: docker exec -it my_container sh -c “echo a && echo b”
This doesn’t work: docker exec -it my_container “echo a && echo b”
To use docker exec to run a command in a container, the basic format is:
docker exec [container-name] [command]
For instance, to list the contents of the /usr directory in the ssh-test container, you would type:

docker exec ssh-test ls -la /usr
To access the shell of the container, use the docker exec command with the -it option for interactive mode and specify the shell path. For example, to open a Bash shell in the nginx-test container, type:
docker exec -it nginx-test /bin/bash
You will see the Bash prompt.
When you are done in the container, type Exit to end the session. The container will continue to run in the background.
Using docker exec is often a better method for container connection. This command allows you to start a new process inside the container and interact with it. It’s also simpler because you can use the container name instead of the container ID. If you are aware that a specific shell, such as sh or bash, is present in the container, you can easily connect to it with a single command. Just remember to include the –it options to ensure you can interact with the process running in the container.
Method 3: SSH into Docker Containers
The main goal of the SSH protocol is to create a secure connection to a remote server. While Docker containers do not operate full operating systems, they each have their own private IP addresses, allowing SSH to be used for a local connection to their shell.
But: To use SSH with a container, an SSH daemon must be running inside it at all times. This daemon can increase the container’s size and its vulnerability to attacks. Therefore, it is better to avoid SSH and consider other methods to access a container’s shell.
Here are the steps to connect to a Docker container using SSH.
Step 1: Obtain the Container’s IP Address
The SSH client needs the server’s IP address to connect. Run these commands to find the container’s IP address:
1. Check the running containers on your system:
docker ps
2. Identify the container’s name or ID. For example, the container named ssh-test has the ID eefcc80ffcb0.
3. Use the following command to get the container’s IP address:
docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}" [container-name-or-id]
The output will display the IP address.
Note: Only the Docker connect to a running containers will show their IP addresses. Use the docker run command to create and run new containers, or start existing ones with docker start [container-name-or-id].
4. Test the connection by pinging the address:
ping –c 3 [ip-address]
If the connection is successful, ping will exchange data with the container.
Step 2: SSH Into the Docker Container
After you have the container’s IP address, enter the following command:
ssh [username]@[ip-address]
You will be prompted for the user password, and then you will connect to the container’s shell.
Method 4: Connecting via Docker Desktop (GUI Method)
This method is for those who prefer GUI’s, so they can use Docker desktop that offers an easy way to connect to Docker container.
What you need to do:
- Start Docker Desktop.
- Go to the Containers section.
- Find the container you wish to connect to and click the CLI button.
- A terminal will appear, allowing you to access the container shell directly.
Benefits of Connecting via Docker Desktop:
- No need to memorize command-line commands.
- Easily manage container status and logs visually.
- Great for beginners learning about Docker.
This guide explained how to Connect to Docker containers without complicating it . Whether you prefer the flexibility of the command line (like docker exec or docker attach), the simplicity of Docker Desktop, or the strength of SSH and remote shells, there’s a method that fits your style.
Getting the hang of these Docker container connection techniques is key to effectively managing and troubleshooting your Docker setups. By choosing the right method for your needs, you can enhance your Docker operations and ensure your applications run smoothly.
Now that you know how to connect to Docker containers, you’re all set to dive into more advanced Docker features with confidence!
Connecting to Docker containers doesn’t have to be complicated. If you want to know how to do it:
1. How can I connect to Docker container as a specific user?
Use the -u option with docker exec:
docker exec -it -u username /bin/bash
Just replace username with the user you want.
2. What is the difference between docker exec and docker attach for Docker connection?
docker exec: Starts a new process in the container without affecting the main one.
docker attach: Connects to the main process of the container and can stop it if you disconnect incorrectly.
3. Is it possible to SSH into any Docker container?
Not by default. The container must have an SSH server, ports must be open, and proper settings must be in place as mentioned in the SSH section above.
4. How can I connect to a Docker container that runs a specific service?
Use the service’s port mapping and tools like curl or a web browser. For command line:
curl http://localhost:
5. Which ports should I open for remote Docker access?
Port 2375 is usually used for remote Docker API access. Always secure it with TLS and set up proper firewall rules.
7. How can I check if my Docker container is running?
You can check with:
docker ps
If your container is not listed, it is not running.