How to Run Android Apps on Linux? – A Complete Guide

Run Android Apps on Linux

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Android apps have been gaining quite a lot of popularity on Linux due to an expanding user group looking at ways to unify the mobile experience on a laptop. This is why there are now several ways to run Android apps on Linux. Our guide will walk you through the said ways with emulators, virtual machines, and other software tools. 

Can You Run Android Apps on Linux?

Yes, you can run Android apps on Linux using multiple methods. While both OS share the same kernel, Android apps are built for a completely different runtime environment. To bridge this gap, you can use tools and emulators to run Android apps on Linux systems

How It Works:

  1. Containerization – Some tools can create a containerized Android environment within Linux to allow the apps to run natively. For example, Anbox or Waydroid. 
  2. Virtualization – Some solutions can run a full Android OS in a virtual machine, providing a complete Android experience, such as Android-x86 and Genymotion.
  3. Emulation – Some tools simulate Android devices on Linux, but this method can be slower compared to containerized solutions.

Methods to Run Android Apps on Linux

Here is a quick cheat sheet to select the best possible method for your needs: 

MethodHow It WorksProsConsBest For
AnboxRuns Android in a lightweight container using LXC– Integrates well with Linux- Lightweight- Open-source– Limited hardware acceleration- No Google Play Store by defaultRunning basic Android apps with minimal resource usage
WaydroidRuns a full Android system in a Wayland-based Linux container– Better performance than Anbox- Supports hardware acceleration- Can run multiple apps simultaneously– Requires a Wayland session (not all distros support it)Seamless integration of Android apps on Linux
Android-x86Runs Android as a standalone OS or in a VM– Full Android experience- Can install Google Play Store- Supports hardware acceleration– Requires full system boot or a virtual machineRunning Android as a dedicated OS or inside a VM
GenymotionVirtualizes Android using VirtualBox or the cloud– Supports multiple Android versions- Good performance with OpenGL acceleration- Pre-configured devices for testing– Paid subscription for full features- Not optimized for casual useApp development, testing, and debugging

Installing and Setting Up Anbox

Anbox, short for Android in a box, allows you to run Android apps on Linux with the method of containerization. Here is how you can install and set up Anbox on your system. 

Install Prerequisites

    Before installing Anbox, ensure your system supports Snap (the recommended way to install Anbox). If Snap is not installed, install it using:

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    For Ubuntu/Debian-based distros:

    sudo apt update && sudo apt install snapd

    For Arch Linux (using AUR):

    yay -S anbox

    For Fedora:

    sudo dnf install snapd

    sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap

    Enable Snap service:

    sudo systemctl enable –now snapd

    Install Anbox

      Use Snap to install Anbox:

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      sudo snap install –devmode –beta anbox

      The –devmode flag is necessary because Anbox requires system-level access.

      Install Anbox Modules

        Anbox needs kernel modules to function correctly. Install them using:

        sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r) anbox-modules-dkms

        Then load the modules:

        sudo modprobe ashmem_linux

        sudo modprobe binder_linux

        Verify the modules are loaded:

        lsmod | grep -e ashmem_linux -e binder_linux

        Start Anbox Service

          Once installed, start Anbox by running:

          anbox session-manager

          Then, launch Anbox:

          anbox launch –package=org.anbox.appmgr –component=org.anbox.appmgr.AppViewActivity

          Install Android Apps (APK Files)

            Anbox does not come with the Google Play Store by default, but you can install APK files manually.

            • Enable ADB (Android Debug Bridge):

            sudo apt install android-tools-adb

            • Download an APK file (e.g., from APKMirror or APKPure).
            • Install the APK:

            adb install <path-to-apk-file>

            Troubleshooting Anbox Issues

              If Anbox does not start, try the following:

              • Restart the Anbox service:

              systemctl restart anbox-container-manager.service

              • Ensure that binder and ashmem modules are loaded:

              lsmod | grep binder_linux

              • Check logs for errors:

              journalctl -xe | grep anbox

              Running Android Apps with Waydroid

              Run Android Apps on Linux - Waydroid

              Waydroid is a much more powerful alternative to Anbox and works in pretty much the same way. It creates a full Android system on Linux inside a Wayland-based container and offers enhanced performance and hardware acceleration. 

              1. Install Waydroid

              Waydroid requires Wayland, so ensure you are using a Wayland session instead of X11.

              For Debian/Ubuntu-based distros:

              sudo apt install curl ca-certificates -y

              curl | sudo bash

              sudo apt install waydroid -y

              For Arch Linux:

              yay -S waydroid

              For Fedora:

              sudo dnf copr enable aleasto/waydroid  

              sudo dnf install waydroid

              1. Initialize Waydroid

              Once installed, set up the Waydroid container:

              sudo waydroid init

              1. Start Waydroid Service and Launch

              sudo systemctl start waydroid-container

              waydroid session start

              waydroid show-full-ui

              1. Install Android Apps (APK Files)

              You can install APKs manually using ADB:

              adb install <path-to-apk>

              Using Android-x86 as a Virtual Machine

              Run Android Apps on Linux - Android-x86

              Android-x86 is a port of Android for x86-based computers. This port can be run directly inside a virtual machine or your Linux system.

              Download Android-x86

                Go to Android-x86 website and download the latest ISO file.

                Install a Virtual Machine

                  You can run Android-x86 inside VirtualBox or QEMU.

                  For VirtualBox:

                  • Launch VM and create a new one. 
                  • Choose Linux as the primary OS and other Linux as the version.
                  • Allocate 2GM Ram and 8GB disk space minimum. 
                  • Mount the Android-x86 ISO and boot the VM. 

                  For QEMU:

                  qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 2048 -cdrom android-x86.iso

                  Install Android-x86

                    • Boot from the ISO and select Install Android-x86 to hard disk.
                    • Create a new partition and install the OS.
                    • Reboot into your new Android system.

                    Emulating Android with Genymotion

                    Run Android Apps on Linux - Genymotion

                    Genymotion is an emulator to run Android apps on Linux designed for developers. 

                    1. Install Genymotion
                    • Download Genymotion from the official website.

                    Make the downloaded file executable:
                    chmod +x genymotion-*.bin

                    • Run the installer:


                    1. Install VirtualBox (if needed)

                    Genymotion requires VirtualBox to run virtualized Android devices. Install it with:

                    sudo apt install virtualbox

                    1. Launch Genymotion and Create a Virtual Device
                    • Open Genymotion and log in.
                    • Click Add and select an Android device to emulate.
                    • Start the virtual device and install apps via APK or the Play Store.

                    Best Method for Running Android Apps on Linux

                    Even though the best method to run Android apps on Linux depends on your needs, here are our recommendations: 

                    • Best performance & integration → Waydroid
                    • Running a full Android OS → Android-x86
                    • App Development & Testing → Genymotion
                    • Lightweight & Simple Solution → Anbox

                    Common Issues and Troubleshooting

                    Here are some common issues users face when running Android apps on Linux, along with solutions:

                    1. Waydroid Not Starting / Stuck on Boot
                    • Make sure that you are running a valid Wayland session (echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE). If it returns x11, switch to Wayland.
                    • Restart the Waydroid service:
                      sudo systemctl restart waydroid-container
                    • Check logs for errors:
                      waydroid log
                    1. Anbox Stuck on “Starting”
                    • Ensure kernel modules are loaded:

                    lsmod | grep binder_linux

                    • If missing, load them manually:

                    sudo modprobe binder_linux

                    sudo modprobe ashmem_linux

                    • Restart Anbox:

                    anbox session-manager

                    anbox launch –package=org.anbox.appmgr –component=org.anbox.appmgr.AppViewActivity

                    1. Android-x86 Network Issues in VirtualBox

                    Go to VirtualBox Settings → Network and ensure Adapter 1 is set to “Bridged Adapter” or “NAT” for internet access.

                    Check if the Android VM detects the network:

                    1. Genymotion Device Not Booting

                    Make sure VirtualBox is installed and running correctly.

                    Check for logs:

                    Conclusion – Run Android Apps on Linux

                    If you want to run Android apps on Linux OS, this guide is your one-stop solution. Find installation guides, set up steps, compare, and the best method for yourself. While some methods require additional setup, each provides a viable way to bridge the gap between Linux and Android. With the right approach, you can enjoy Android apps on your Linux machine with minimal hassle.

                    Frequently Asked Questions

                    1. Are there any specific hardware or software requirements to run Android apps on Linux?

                    Yes, some methods require specific setups. For example, Waydroid needs a Wayland-based session, and virtualization may require sufficient system resources (CPU, RAM, etc.). Always check the prerequisites for each method.

                    2. What are the main methods to run Android apps on Linux?

                    There are several methods, including containerization (e.g., Anbox, Waydroid), virtualization (e.g., Android-x86 in a VM), and emulation (e.g., Genymotion). Each has its own advantages depending on your needs.

                    3. How do container solutions like Anbox and Waydroid differ from virtualization?

                    Container solutions run Android apps natively within a Linux container, offering seamless integration and performance benefits. Virtualization, on the other hand, runs a complete Android OS inside a virtual machine, providing a full Android experience but with potentially higher resource usage.

                    Marium Fahim
                    Hi! I am Marium, and I am a full-time content marketer fueled by an iced coffee. I mainly write about tech, and I absolutely love doing opinion-based pieces. Hit me up at [email protected].
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