Setting Up & Running Docker Container for Java

Docker Container for Java

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Docker has completely changed software deployment by offering a lightweight, portable, and consistent runtime environment. For Java developers, Docker offers a seamless way to package and run Java applications across different systems without worrying about compatibility issues. 

By using a Docker container for Java applications, you can ensure consistency across different environments, such as development, testing, and production. It also helps simplify dependency management by building Java, libraries, and configurations in a single image. Lastly, it helps improve scalability by running Java applications as lightweight, isolated containers.  

In this guide, we will walk through the basics of setting up and running Java applications in Docker, from writing a simple Dockerfile to optimizing the container for performance. 

Prerequisites for Running Java in Docker

Before you start containerizing your Java applications, make sure that your system is ready with the following prerequisites:

  1. Install Docker

Docker must be fully installed on your system to build and run containers. You can install it using the following commands: 

  • Windows/macOS: Download Docker Desktop
  • Linux: Install Docker using your package manager:

sudo apt install   # Debian/Ubuntu

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sudo dnf install docker      # Fedora

Verify the installation by running, using:

docker –version

Docker Container for Java
  1. Install Java Development Kit (JDK) (Optional)

While Java is included in the container, having a JDK on your local machine helps in development and testing phases. You can install OpenJDK using: 

sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk  # Ubuntu/Debian

sudo dnf install java-17-openjdk # Fedora

Check the installed version with:

java -version

  1. Basic Knowledge of Docker Commands

Undering basic Docker commands will help you manage containers effectively. Familiarize yourself with these:

  • docker build – Build a Docker image
  • docker run – Run a container
  • docker ps – List running containers
  • docker stop – Stop a running container
  • docker logs – View logs of a container
  1. A Simple Java Application

A simple Java application is needed to start containerization. You can run a hello world code as well: 

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public class HelloDocker {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        System.out.println(“Hello from Dockerized Java!”);



  1. Dockerfile for Java

A valid Dockerfile is required to define how the Java application runs inside a container. Here is an example: 

FROM openjdk:17

COPY /app/


RUN javac

CMD [“java”, “HelloDocker”]

Setting Up Docker Container for Java Applications

To set up Docker container for Java, you need to cover these essential setup steps: 

  1. Install and Configure Docker

Ensure that Docker is installed and running properly on your system: 

  • Windows/macOS: Install Docker Desktop
  • Linux: Install Docker using the package manager:

sudo apt install   # Debian/Ubuntu

sudo dnf install docker      # Fedora

Verify the installation by running:

docker –version

  1. Enable Non-Root Access (Linux Only)

By default, Docker needs root privileges, to run as non-root follow these steps:

  • Add user: 

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

newgrp docker

  • Log out and back in to apply the changes.
  1. Setting Up a Java Project

Create a basic Java project for testing: 

mkdir java-docker-app && cd java-docker-app

Inside the directory, create a simple Java file:


public class HelloDocker {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        System.out.println(“Hello from Dockerized Java!”);



  1. Writing a Dockerfile for Java

A Dockerfile shows how Docker should build and run your Java applications. Create a new file named Dockerfile in the project directory: 

  • Use an official OpenJDK base image

FROM openjdk:17

  • Set working directory inside the container


  • Copy the Java source code to the container

COPY /app/

  • Compile the Java program

RUN javac

  • Command to run the Java program

CMD [“java”, “HelloDocker”]

  1. Build the Docker Image

Run the following command to build your Java application into a Docker image: 

docker build -t java-docker-app .

This creates a container image named java-docker-app.

  1. Run the Java Application in Docker

Now, run the container using:

docker run –rm java-docker-app

If everything is set up correctly, you should see:

Hello from Dockerized Java!

  1. Managing Java Containers

List running containers:
docker ps

Stop a running container:

docker stop <container_id>

Remove an image:
docker rmi java-docker-app

Building and Running a Java Docker Container

Once you have built a Dockerfile for your Java application, the next steps involve building the Docker image and running the container. 

  1. Building the Docker Image

The Docker image is a screenshot of the Java application that contains everything you need to run it in a container. 

Build the image by navigating to the directory where your Dockerfile is saved and run: 

docker build -t my-java-app .

This command:

  • docker build: Initiates the image-building process.
  • -t my-java-app: Assigns the name my-java-app to the image.
  • .: Specifies the current directory as the location of the Dockerfile.

Once the build is complete, check if the image is successfully created: 

docker images

You should see an entry like:

Docker Container for Java - output 2
  1. Running the Container

After building the image, run an instance by: 

docker run –rm my-java-app

  • docker run: Starts a new container from the specified image.
  • –rm: Automatically removes the container once it stops.
  • my-java-app: The name of the Docker image to run.
  1. Running the Container in Detached Mode

To keep the Docker container for Java running in the background, run the following command: 

docker run -d –name java-container my-java-app

Check running containers:

docker ps

To stop the container:

docker stop java-container

  1. Running a Java Application with Environment Variables

Pass your environment variables when running the container: 

docker run –rm -e JAVA_ENV=production my-java-app

Inside your Java application, retrieve it using:

String env = System.getenv(“JAVA_ENV”);

Managing Java Dependencies in Docker

When running Java applications in Docker, it is essential to handle dependencies effectively. You can use a dependency management tool like Maven or Gradle can help streamline this process: 

Using Maven in a Dockerfile

FROM maven:3.8.5-openjdk-17 AS builder


COPY pom.xml .

RUN mvn dependency:go-offline

COPY src/ ./src/

RUN mvn package -DskipTests

FROM openjdk:17


COPY –from=builder /app/target/myapp.jar .

CMD [“java”, “-jar”, “myapp.jar”]

Using Gradle in a Dockerfile

FROM gradle:7.3.3-jdk17 AS builder


COPY . .

RUN gradle build –no-daemon

FROM openjdk:17


COPY –from=builder /app/build/libs/myapp.jar .

CMD [“java”, “-jar”, “myapp.jar”]

Optimizing Docker Images for Java Applications

Optimizing Docker image containers helps improve performance and reduces image size: 

Key Optimization Techniques

  • Use slim base images: Instead of openjdk:17, use openjdk:17-slim.
  • Reduce unnecessary layers: Combine RUN commands in the Dockerfile.
  • Avoid copying unnecessary files: Use .dockerignore to exclude target/, node_modules/, etc.
  • Use multi-stage builds: Keep only the necessary files in the final image.

Using Multi-Stage Builds for Java in Docker

Multi stage builds help create a smaller final image by compiling the application in one stage. 

Example: Multi-Stage Build for a Spring Boot App

FROM maven:3.8.5-openjdk-17 AS builder


COPY . .

RUN mvn clean package -DskipTests

FROM openjdk:17-slim


COPY –from=builder /app/target/myapp.jar .


CMD [“java”, “-jar”, “myapp.jar”]

Exposing and Networking Java Applications in Docker

For web based Java applications, it is crucial to expose ports and networking containers. 

Exposing a Java App Port


Run the container with:

docker run -p 8080:8080 my-java-app

Access the app at http://localhost:8080.

Connecting Multiple Containers with Docker Compose

For Java apps using databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL), use Docker Compose:

version: ‘3.8’



    image: my-java-app


      – “8080:8080”


      – db


    image: mysql:8



      MYSQL_DATABASE: mydb

Run with:

docker-compose up -d

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Container CrashesMissing dependencies or misconfigured appCheck logs using docker logs my-java-app
Out of Memory (OOM)Java heap size too largeLimit memory: -Xmx512m or docker run -m 512m
Port ConflictsPort already in useUse a different port: docker run -p 9090:8080
Network Connection IssuesContainer not connected to networkCheck networks: docker network ls and connect manually
Slow StartupLarge image size or missing optimizationsUse multi-stage builds and a slim base image
File Permission IssuesIncorrect user permissions in the containerSet correct ownership with chown and chmod

Wrapping Up – Docker Container For Java

Creating Docker containers for Java applications with Docker simplifies deployment, enhances scalability, and ensures consistency across different environments. By following this guide, you can easily create and run containers and troubleshoot issues! 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best base image for running Java in Docker?

Popular choices include openjdk and adoptopenjdk images, which provide lightweight and optimized Java environments.

2. Can I run multiple Java applications in a single container?

While possible, it’s best to run each application in a separate container following the micro services architecture for better scalability and isolation.

3. Why should I use Docker for Java applications?

Docker provides a consistent environment, simplifies dependency management, and ensures application portability across different systems.

Marium Fahim
Hi! I am Marium, and I am a full-time content marketer fueled by an iced coffee. I mainly write about tech, and I absolutely love doing opinion-based pieces. Hit me up at [email protected].
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